"The Mommies"

We love to be apart of others dreams and helping you reach your goals, even if we loss some of them to Hollywood. We have created many video's for "Comedy Camp for Mommies" who eventually became "The Mommies" in 1993 per our clients request we sent the last video we created into NBC.
People Magazine:
"...NBC exec Perry Simon, viewed their gig on tape last summer and brought them into the Network..."

That was the 'tape' we made. It was Carol and Marilyn's awesome talent that kept them there, it was our tape that showed NBC their performance. They ended up having a syndicate show "the Mommies" and then they had a talk show "Carol and Marilyn" On NBC and they also endorsed different products such as "Palmolive".

Since they have moved on to publishing their own book...

http://www.the mommies.com

Congratulations on your huge successes!